Minor League Rules
The current Little League Tee ball, Minor League and Little League Baseball Regulations and Playing Rules, governs this league. What follows are additional rules and clarifications to support local league policies.
1. Rosters: Team rosters shall have no fewer than 11 players.
2. Batting: Caldwell Little League has adopted a policy of continuous batting order that will include players on the team roster present for the game batting order.
a. Each player is required to bat in his/her respective spot in the batting order.
b. If a child is injured, becomes ill or must leave the game site after he/she has batted, his at bat will be skipped when his/her respective spot comes up in the batting order. If the injured, ill or absent player returns, he /she is merely inserted in his original spot in the batting order and the game continues.
c. Also, if a child arrives late to a game, he/she would be added to the end of the current lineup. If it is determined that a manager is misusing this provision regarding an ill or injured player, he will be brought before the Board for disciplinary purposes.
3. Stealing: Stealing Rules are open from the start of the season. Runners can steal once the ball passes Home Plate.
a. There will be no advancing (“Stealing”) beyond 3rd Base on passed balls, wild pitches or throwbacks to pitcher.
b. A runner on 3rd Base may only advance Home on a batted ball or when forced in by a walk / hit batter. If the catcher throws down to first or any other base to pick-off a runner all other runners can advance (no farther than third base) at their own risk.
c. When the Pitcher has the ball and is in contact with the pitching rubber, all runners MUST BE BACK AT THE BASE.
4. End of Inning: The end of the inning will be as follows:
a. 3 defensive outs are made.
b. 5 runs have been scored or a team has batted through its lineup once (Note: If one team has 12 players present and the other only has 9 present, the team with 12 can bat 12 in an inning but the team with 9 is limited to 9 at bats).
5. Pitching: CLL will adhere to the LL Rule Book 2019 editions for player pitch counts.
a. Pitch Count: Each team should confer after each half inning & mark the pitch count number in the book next to the pitcher’s name. If there is any question at the end of the half inning regarding total pitches, the home team’s pitch count number is used.
b. An “illegal pitch” will not count against a pitcher’s pitch count. In addition, the players who are catching and which inning they caught in need to be reported between innings as well since catching are part of the pitch count rules. Intentional Walks: Intentional walks are not permitted.
6. Minimum Play: In a complete six inning game, follow LL Rule Book 2019 edition. The manager should do his best to distribute playing time evenly.